Wednesday 31 July 2024

What Is The Best Investment?



The creator of bitcoin is never going to be poor again. As at the time of writing this, Satoshi Nakamoto is worth more than 15 billion dollars. If all the positive predictions about bitcoin prove true, he could be worth a lot more, and even if things do not go as planned, he would still be worth several hundred millions or a few billions.

This is not the first time a guy would create something, and then become a billionaire after his creation received massive adoption.

The guy who created Microsoft stayed as the richest man in the world for 2 decades, before “losing his position.” He is still one of the wealthiest and most influential men in the world – he is a pioneer investor in many technologies of the future.

                            What is the Best Investment?

The best investment is the one you have created. That is the simple truth of the matter. When you create something out of nothing, you have control over it. This is a rarity in today’s world – for a person to control his own wealth.

When you create something out of nothing you become the biggest investor; the biggest stakeholder. As the biggest stakeholder you make the decisions, and dictate the direction of the project or idea.

Of course that is a big responsibility because if things go bad then the whole world puts the blame squarely on your shoulders. But what entrepreneur, innovator, or investor wants to fail, and be labelled an idiot by every financial paper in the world?

Part of this investment would be hiring the best hands available so as to make the project successful. Yes, the idea should be starting to form in your head by now. The best investment is an enterprise. An enterprise is like a living, breathing organism.

What are some examples of investments you can control?

A book or a publishing house: A book can be a truly great investment; it is a good example of creating something out of nothing. When a person pours their thoughts and ideas into written form and publishes them, they become reality.

When the book becomes a best seller, it becomes an enterprise. It could be translated into several languages, be adapted for movies, and even have a whole series made out of it.

The author retains the rights, and retains control of the enterprise; the author decides what becomes of the book, and the direction it takes. Several millions of dollars can be made from books, and they can even make the authors billionaires.

Authors can have offices with many people working in them. They can even establish publishing houses of their own, and then go on to have many authors under them. It is the same thing; you will have to select the best authors, and editors and everyone else to make it work.

But just because you do not have a talent for writing does not mean that you cannot build an investment you can control. Here is something you might have the talent for.

A recipe, a restaurant, food: If you know how to cook, then you may just have the key to wealth in your hands. People will always need food, although sometimes it is not about the need – but about pleasing the palate.

A special recipe can build an empire; it can help one create a famous restaurant which will attract people from all over the world, and make a fortune for the owner. People can even make a fortune without a special recipe, although that may be attributed to something else.

Another possibility is creating a food item, or a variant of an existing food item that will be shipped to the buyers’ location. Maybe pizza, maybe a burger, maybe rice and chicken. If it is unique in taste then it is your creation. You made it, you invented it.

The recipe can be your closely guarded secret. You can even mix the flavors in a different location so as to ensure that your trade secrets do not fall into the wrong hands.

Software: software companies typically have more than one type of software. Even if you start out with one software right now, as soon as it becomes successful there is no doubt that you are going to hire a team of developers, so as to improve your current creation, and also to create new software.

There is no shortage of ideas to choose from; software can help people secure their homes and cars, help people sleep better, help people exercise, eat better, type faster, help people access the internet, and so on. Someone just became a billionaire by developing software to help people schedule appointments.

There is no reason why you cannot do something similar, or even better. The idea has to be yours, and you can gradually bring it to life. With that success will come a change in your financial status; technology is money.

A Trading system: for those who want to know more about trading, here is a free ebook on trading. A unique trading system is a great asset; many have already become billionaires by creating their own trading systems.

It all starts with an understanding of the underlying assets; currencies, crypto, commodities, stocks and so on. With that understanding comes a desire to find a way to trade it successfully. After find that way, you need to test it out for some time.

Some even get a loan to make it possible. By the time the test is over, you will probably have some investors looking for you, either to hire you to trade for them, or to partner with you. It is usually a good idea to ignore them.

Find your own way; build your own enterprise. Trust computers as little as possible; at least until you are successful enough to make sure that your computers are hack proof; and that your office cannot just be broken into, and your information stolen.

You can build your own investment house; and have investors trust you with their money. You help them make money, and you keep some for yourself.

What do these investments have in common?

Control: this has already been mentioned more than once in this piece, but it will not hurt to mention it once more. With these kinds of investments, the idea and execution are all in the hands of the person who created them.

In contrast you can buy stocks in a company and have absolutely no control of that money or investment. If everything goes well you will not mind too much, but if the CEO goes crazy and drives the company aground your money goes to smoke.

Movability: in most of these types of investments, the success lies in an idea, not in some building. Therefore, if the government of your country makes it hard to do business, you can just pack your bags and your laptop, and go to another country to set up shop.

In contrast to this, a real estate business is immovable; all it takes to kill it is a signature from the president or any other high ranking individual. You imagine that there will be protests, and that is true. Nevertheless, the notion holds true; a president can kill a real estate business on a whim. The whim may not even be targeted at the real estate business – it could be an economic policy, and it could wipe out the real estate market and many other markets in the economy.

The bottom line:

Stocks, gold, real estate, and business are all good investments. However, what we have attempted to decipher here is the best out of all the available options. Many people actually have these keys in their hands, but are too lazy or unimaginative to turn them into wealth. Hopefully, reading this post will give you the impetus to make the move.

Sunday 7 July 2024

Can you really trade forex with 20 dollars?


 Assuming forex and binary options are the same thing, this question applies to both forms of trading. In fact, it also applies to crypto, and to any form of trading at all. How much is enough? Can you start with 20 dollars? If yes, then how does one go about it, and if no, then why do many brokers offer opening balances as low as $5?

Well, there are many key points to consider before arriving at an answer. Be warned; this post will have what may be described as an overly positive note. Probably because the writer has done it – more than once.

Doing it has provided some clarity as to what is possible and what is not, and also about what circumstances make it possible to trade with such a small opening balance.

You Can Trade With 20 Dollars If

You have the patience: patience is a necessary quality for successful trading; it is what helps you wait until the right conditions are met before entering trades. With patience you are not in a hurry to enter trades, regardless of how inviting they may be. With patience you are also not in a hurry to double your balance.

That calmness of mind is a key ingredient because you wait for the trades to come to you, rather than rush into them – leading to losses.

Have a strategy: Know how to win trades. A strategy is an approach to the market – it is how you read the charts, and how you identify opportunities in the market. Of course, there are literally hundreds or thousands of strategies out there; most of them are developed by individual traders as their own cheat sheets in this business.

Your strategy should not be only about making money – it should also be about managing losses. Losses are part of the business of trading. They cannot be avoided. It is also important to ensure that the strategy helps you to manage your funds along the way.

Have experience: with luck it is possible to flip $20 to $200 in a short time, but the difference between luck and experience is that the former soon runs out while the later continues to increase. With luck the money may soon be lost, while with experience the trader may continue to break more records.

The problem with experience is that it is only gained through pain. While one may trade with $20, and then turn it to a huge amount, it is unlikely that it can be done at the first go. It may be done after several goes, meaning that the trader must have made several losses before this current success.

That means the trader is not really starting with $20, but with the sum total of his previous losses, plus the current $20. In some cases, that could amount to several hundreds of dollars.

Have a good broker: this may be a bit of an irony because most of the best brokers have higher minimum balances. Nevertheless, it is possible to find some decent brokers who will accept even $10 as a starting balance.

Finding a good broker is necessary because this business is hard enough as it is. Having to deal with thieving brokers can make it a mission impossible. Thieving brokers can manipulate the charts so as to ensure that traders lose, and then they take the money. They can even refuse to pay successful traders. Just imagine going through all that stress, only to find that you cannot withdraw your earnings.

Have a good psychology: many traders focus on having a good strategy, forgetting that a strategy is only good if you maintain a calm head long enough to use it. Therefore, it is just as important to build the mental muscle needed to keep following your strategy no matter what the markets throw at you.

A good psychology is as good a tool as any other; it is what empowers the trader to make the best of the markets, and to trade for the long term. This psychology may be obtained by reading books and other instructional materials, but some insist that it only comes through pain. The pain of experience.

The Bottom line:

The goal should not just be to trade $20 into $200 or more, and then lose it – it should be to trade successfully. Trading successfully means reaching your full potential as a trader; building a business around what you do, and changing lives. Making money as a trader is the basic thing, but sadly, it is something that most people never quite manage to do.  

That's right; even with $2000 you are more likely to lose your money than you are to make profits in the long term, unless you are an elite trader.